Joining and Using the
Native North American Orchid Discussion List

This is the where you can get the information on joining our discussion list about native North American orchids.

To join:  This is not on-line right now, but if you join now I will include you when we start up again-
IF IT STARTS UP AGAIN.  There is another group to join.
Subscribe to nativeorchidconference
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Send a message to: nnaodlsu**  You will need to remove the two ** from the address.  Spammers scan the pages and flood my inbox.

Note: DO NOT send messages meant to be read by human eyes here! This address is only for server commands, see below for a list of commands.

In the subject block type: "Subscribe NNAODL"

In the body type: "Subscribe NNAODL" then your name.

If you want a digest form instead of individual mailings, on a second line type: SET NNAODL Digest

To send a message to the list:

Send a message to: nnaodl**
You will need to remove the two ** which I've added to try to foil the spammers
The body is your message and all the members of the list will see the message in their next digest.
Note: Do not send server commands to this address.

To send a note about a problem or off-the-line question, send a message to mruh**

The currently accepted commands from users are: the following must appear in the *BODY* of the message. More than one command can be sent on separate lines.
BOLD TYPE denotes aliases. (i.e. just send sub instead of subscribe) COMMANDS ARE NOT CASE SENSITIVE

SUB SCRIBE NNAODL Your_FirstName Your_LastName Subscribes you to the list NNAODL.

UNS UBSCRIBE NNAODL -- Unsubscribes you from NNAODL.

LIS T -- Shows the list served at this site. (Just NNAODL)

REVI EW NNAODL -- Shows the list of users currently subscribing to NNAODL.

HEL P -- Sends a help message.

IND EX NNAODL -- List of files that can be GET (inactive)

SEA RCH NNAODL Key_Word -- Searches the documents in INDEX for key_word (inactive)

GET NNAODL File_Name -- Retrieves the file File_Name

INF O NNAODL -- Send info about the list

SET NNAODL OPTION -- Set subscription parameters to OPTION for the list NNAODL.
Currently available options are: (default options are indicated)

ACKN : Acknowledgment when you send a message to the list.
NOACKN : No Acknowledgment is sent [Default option].

CONCEAL : Hides your name from a REVIEW command.
NOCONCEAL : Shows your name [Default option].

ACTIVE : Makes your subscription active [Default option].
INACTIVE : Suspends subscription until an ACTIVE command.

DIGEST : Sends you a digest rather than individual messages.
MAIL : Sends you individual messages. [Default option](Since I do not have a continuous connection, the mail will all be sent out when I connect and activate Macjordomo, so you'll get all the messages at once anyway)

REPRO: Sends a copy list messages also to the original sender
NOREPRO: Original senders do not get a copy of their message [Default option]

This Listserve is created and maintained with Macjordomo. A Macintosh Listserver by Michele Fuortes. It is freeware by Leuca Software . Macjordomo was developed with support from the Office of Academic Computing at Cornell University Medical College, and help by Steve Erde, Bob Hablutzel, Eric Hagberg and others. TCP/IP low level routines (and advice) by Peter "the Great" Lewis.

Native North American Orchid Discussion List
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Last revised 01/17/98